Strategies, Challenges, and Answers

The Immense Sacrifice Of Our Fallen Heroes Must Always Be Remembered . . .

“Was it worth it?” This is a question, sometimes politically-loaded, that is often asked of family members and war buddies of our Fallen Heroes. Marine Corps General John Kelly recently offered a unique perspective. A veteran of Iraq and Afghanistan himself, General Kelly lost his youngest son, First Lieutenant Robert Kelly, while conducting combat operations […]

By A Preponderance Of Evidence

In civil cases, a Nevada Plaintiff has the burden of proof.  But what standard of proof must that Plaintiff meet to prevail?  In a civil case, the standard of proof in Nevada is “by a preponderance of evidence”.   The case of Deiss v. S. Pac. Co., 56 Nev. 169, 53 P.2d 332 (1936) provides a […]

Happy New Year!

May 2020 bring new opportunities, success at every step and countless reasons to celebrate! We wish you health and prosperity in the coming year and beyond. Happy New Year!

Season’s Greetings

I really enjoy this time of year.  It means that I get to spend more time with my family and splurge eating some foods that I would otherwise shun. I hope that all of the readers of the Nevada Law Blogs will also be sipping something warm, eating a little too much and staying safe […]

Happy Thanksgiving From Bauman Loewe Witt & Maxwell

All of us at Mills & Associates would like to take a moment and wish clients, family and friends (including our blog readers), a very joyous and happy Thanksgiving.
Whether you are celebrating with a small gathering, or preparing for what is shaping up to be dinner for a small country, we wish you and yours all the very best.