Under the Comprehensive Safety Analysis system (CSA), motor carriers must constantly monitor their Safety Management System (SMS) scores. Behavior Analysis and Safety Improvement Category (BASIC) violations impact these scores. At the American Trucking Association Forum for Motor Carrier General Counsel, Beth Thomas of Fed Ex shared the strategy that her company is using to challenge violations that law enforcement is writing against Fed Ex and its drivers . . .
What Requests For Data Review Do You File?
July 27, 2012 by Michael Mills
Filed Under: BASIC, CSA, Data Qs, Request for Data Review, SMS Tagged With: ATA Conference, Las Vegas Trucking Lawyers, Nevada Appellate Lawyers Mills and Associates, Nevada Court System, Nevada Insurance Law, Nevada Justice Court, Nevada Motor Transport Association, Nevada Supreme Court, Nevada Trial Lawyer, Nevada Trucking Association, Nevada Trucking Defense, Nevada Trucking Lawyers, OOIDA