If you are looking to identify current and past insurance coverage for commercial carriers, licensed with Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, here is how you go about it. On your internet browser, go to the SAFER web site, www.safersys.org. In the bottom middle of the page there’s a heading that entitled FMCSA searches. Click on the hot link that says Licensing & Insurance.
Enter the name of the company you are looking for, or you can use the U.S. Department of Transportation number in lieu of the name. It may prompt you to put in the state as well.
By way of an example, enter the name Harco into the Legal Name field. When you click on the Search button two entities come up.
Click on the Report button for the second entity that has the DOT number of 1156816. That brings up a .pdf document.
On the first page of the FMCSA Report it identifies the company, Harco Trucking LLC of Sparks, Nevada.
Near the bottom of the first page is the section that talks about Active / Pending Insurance. In the Harco example, the report specifically identifies as the BIPD / Primary Insurance Employers Mutual Casualty Company of Des Moines, Iowa. The report names Jeffrey T. Dahms as the Point of Contact at Employers Mutual. It also gives a phone number and fax number for Employers Mutual Casualty Company and it identifies the fact that this trucking company has a million dollars worth of coverage.
If you go to the second the report also names the current Cargo carrier. In this case, but not always, the cargo carrier and contact are the same as the primary.
Further down in the report it lists the company’s bodily injury and cargo carriers over the last few coverage periods and who the carriers were for those periods of time. For this company, the coverages go back as far as 2003.