These posts on the Mills & Associates Nevada Trucking Law blog are published to provide useful insights on Nevada trucking law to our clients and other subscribers. Many times the topics are suggested by recent case law, or issues raised by litigation.
As part of our ongoing effort to provide both timely and helpful information, we invite our readers …
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Are Negligent Hiring, Supervision, Or Retention Viable Causes Of Action When The Employer Admits That The Employee Was In The Course And Scope Of Employment?
When an employee causes an injury accident, Plaintiffs almost always target the employee as a Defendant in the suit. If they know about the employment relationship, Plaintiff’s attorneys will name the employer as well. Most common is a cause of action for…
Respondeat Superior
Employers can be held liable for negligent acts of employees under a legal theory of vicarious liability known as respondeat superior. In simple terms, this means that if an employee, while acting within the course and scope of his employment, is negligent, the employer will be legally responsible for the damages suffered. Nevada even has […]